Monthly Newsletter

I am pleased to present to you the Newsletter of the “Yad LaYeled Hameyuchad” association, reviewing the main events of October 2016. These events came in addition to the current activities of the association, which supports thousands of families and children with special needs all over Israel.
Mendi Belinitzki – Director

Foto left: Rabbi Mendi Belinitzki handing PM Benjamin Netanyah and his wife Sarah the Four Species for Sukkot.


I am pleased to present to you the Newsletter of the “Yad LaYeled Hameyuchad” association, reviewing the main events of September 2016. These events came in addition to the current activities of the association, which supports thousands of families and children with special needs all over Israel.
Shana Tova and Gmar Chatima Tova!
Sincerely   Mendi Belinitzki – Director
Foto: Chaiman Gen. res. Gabi Ophir blows the Shofar horn.