Retreat center

The Recreation and Rehabilitation Center in Haifa

The "Carmela and Avraham Shabat" Recreation Center was established in Haifa in early 2013 with the purpose of entertaining on site small recreational programs for children with special needs and for the purpose of imparting life skills; short recreational programs, which help both, the child and its family, which is very much in need of the timeout and the relaxation.

Every weekend a recreational program is held on site for children with autism or severe mental retardation; they are brought by transportation on behalf of the Association, accompanied by a large team of volunteers, who accompany them from the moment they leave their home and until their return, and embrace them with lots of warmth and love.

During the week families with special needs children are guests at the motel so as to get fresh air and regain strength; during the vacation time summer camps for dozens of children take place on site.

The center was established in a building that was allocated by the municipality and was renovated by the Association at the cost of NIS 1,500,000. The spacious building has 25 beds in 5 high-standard accommodation rooms, an activity room and a dining room, a new kitchen, a library; a Gymboree is under construction.

Alongside all these, there is a huge yard that includes a pergola covering an area of about 100 square meters, and an open area of about 200 square meters with lawns and recreational facilities. The place is easily accessible and approved by all relevant parties.