
Remedial Teaching is an educational field which deals with treating learning disabilities by employing individualized methods and techniques.

This method of treatment considers the needs of the student who is unable to function as expected relative to his intellectual, emotional or communication abilities and who fails to meet the standard of achievements of his classmates due to his unique difficulties.

This method rectifies misconceptions, errors in the student’s current handling of learning challenges, errors emanating from incorrect internalization of previously learned methods that were unsuitable.

Remedial teaching treatment at a young age can decide the fate of a child’s education and can impact significantly the improvement in academic achievements.

The treastments offered by the Regesh Treatment Center ofYad LaYeled HaMeyuchad – "Lend a Hand to the Special Child" – are:

  • Remedial instruction in  reading
  • Remedial instruction in arithmetic
  • Remedial instruction in English
  • First Grade Readiness Groups