A Bar Mitzva Celebration for children with special needs
News Written By admin News Written On א, 08/23/2015 - 11:05
Every boy, when becoming 13 years of age, has the right to “ascend to the Torah” (meaning: to read publically from the Torah in the synagogue). Thanks to the Bar Mitzva project of the Yad LaYeled HaMeyuchad association every year dozens of children with special needs make the ceremony. The association team accompanies the family from the stage of facing the dilemma whether to celebrate the event or not until the emotional moment of its realisation.
On Sunday, the 8th of the month of Elul (the last month in the Hebrew calendar) we had the privilege of bringing Osher, Ariel, Gilad and Sean to the Bar Mitzva ceremony. We wish Mazal Tov! (Good luck!)