Bar Mitzva to Gai – A Sweet
News Written By admin News Written On ה, 06/25/2015 - 08:35
Last Thirsday, June 25th, 2015 the Yad LaYeled HaMeyuchad association organised a special Bar Mitzva celebration for Gai, a sweet boy with autism from Ramat Eshkol in Jerusalem.
The association team supported by the musicians Moshe Netanel Osterlitz (Keyboard) and Shlomo Gottlieb (Singer) produced a happy and unforgettable event in the synagogue nearby where the family lives. By doing so all the initial family fears of whether and how to arrange for the event dissolved. We in Yad LaYeled HaMeyuchad are happy that one more happy family joined the many dozens who already have celebrated with us the Bar / Bat Mitzvas for their children with the special needs.